Friday, October 24, 2008

How to Quit Smoking Marijuana - The Reason Behind the Need

How to quit smoking marijuana is not an easy question to answer with a list of pointers and handy hints (though I have written enough of those as well) because the reasons people become addicted to marijuana is a mixed bag of problems in their life that creates a need to escape, zone out or even be more social if they have a group of friends that smoke. In the end smoking weed is about getting high to get away from something and when we become addicted to that high and you feel you NEED it then I becomes easy to blame the drug itself not the REASON you started smoking pot in the first place.

This article I named 'the reason behind the need' because I just wanted to focus on just one aspect of marijuana addiction which is the immediate reason you feel the urge and need to smoke. Many people call these cravings for pot much like a cigarette smoker craves lighting up but the difference is that nicotine creates a very strong physical craving that is also fueled by a psychological need born of a reason that you may or may not know or understand. To find, understand and explore this reason is a powerful first start in coming to terms with why you find it hard to stop smoking weed and can lay the foundation of a strong motivational drive to quit marijuana for good.

The reasons to smoke as I mentioned can be many and varied:

  • Abuse
  • Depression
  • Violence
  • Stress
  • Boredom
  • Lack of direction in life
  • and more ...
Some reasons may be worse than others but they all do the same thing; send you looking for an escape. This escape inevitably becomes a habit and a coping mechanism for these reasons behind your need to smoke pot and often that need or urge you may get is TRIGGERED by a flare up of one of these problems.

This may not be a surprise to many who know these problems in intimate detail and know they smoke pot to get away from some harsh part of their reality but the frequent problem that occurs in this instance is they blame the weed for making matters even worse (which it often can) and think that they need to quit smoking weed and this will solve their problems too!

In the end knowing these problems, reasons and triggers for your need and urges to use pot will not tell you how to quit smoking marijuana but they can help you understand and plan ahead. If you know what will drive you back to smoking pot you can be prepared for it and if you can somehow overcome or alleviate those reasons you will also overcome or alleviate your addiction to marijuana.

For more information on how to quit smoking weed to stop living your life in a haze, visit:

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