Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why do People Want to Quit Cannabis if it is so Harmless?

The lines are heavily divided between the legalize marijuana and the ban marijuana camps. The feelings between these two are full of hate and they are both zealous and militant in their views. So since people who smoke weed are usually in the pro-pot camp what is it that drives them to find out how to quit smoking marijuana?

While obviously not all pot smokers are so hardcore in support of the drug, the culture that it breeds is always saying how weed is harmless and should be available just like alcohol as that is actually more dangerous. So a reasonable answer to this is that these people who want to quit want to do so because they feel that it is bad for them and need to know how to quit smoking pot even if they do not believe the drug is a terrible thing.

Even though they perhaps do not realize it yet and may have some blame toward marijuana itself, the realization that the habit of smoking weed has created a negative thing in their lives is indicative of a psychological addiction. Just like any other behavioral addiction like gambling for instance this is an addiction of habit, and addiction of a high, and addiction of something that makes them feel good even if it causes harm in many other ways.

So lay down your arms on the legalization issue of pot, those that want to know how to quit smoking weed have a genuine problem that they need help with that is only partly to do with the actual drug. In fact if people were more understanding about psychological addictions then maybe more people addicted to marijuana would feel better about coming forward and trying to quit if they know it is hurting thier lives.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How to Quit Smoking Cannabis - Information resource

Ben a while since i updated this blog but i just wanted to let you know that i have been playing around with a great site called Squidoo!

I have compiled some advice i hope will be useful to many people as they surf the web looking for how to quit smoking marijuana resources.

They may all be similarly titled for example How to quit smoking weed first time & how to quit smoking pot Successfully but they all cover different aspects of the struggle that is overcoming marijuana addiction. Such topics as motivation, introspection, confidence, withdrawals, social implications and so forth are all covered in a quick and easy to read format.

So if you want some friendly advice and more links to great how to stop smoking marijuana resources check out the lenses (squidoo webpages) i have created over there:

How to Stop Smoking Pot - Psychological Fixes
How to Stop Smoking Weed - What is Your Motivation?