Friday, February 27, 2009

How To Stop Porn Addiction

Step one: Do you admit you have a problem? Do you realize just how much damage porn addiction can do to your life and your relationships? Do you really want to know how to stop porn addiction? OR are you just hoping there is an easy one click cure?

If you are looking for a quick fix then the same problems that cause your porn addiction are still active within you and you will not get far. The ease of access to porn and instant gratification are what pulls most people into the world of porn addiction and since there is no one click cure those same instant gratification people stay mired in their problems and never choose the harder but more fulfilling and better path.

What does this mean? It means that any addiction is a major problem and any addiction requires you to be committed to solving it. To do this you must believe whole heartedly in the benefits of being cured of your addiction and you must be aware of what damage it is doing. Most importantly though you must understand and be aware of what actually originally caused you to begin your addiction.

While the instant gratification I mentioned is what makes it easy for you to become addicted the reason why you needed to seek such things out again and again is a whole different story and may be as varied as the bizarre sex acts you find in the adult entertainment industry!

Step two: Think back to when you started, and the reasons behind it, simple titillation maybe? Sure that can certainly be a reason but was there anything more? A frustration or a problem? Think back to when you started to be addicted but may not have know it, think back to when it started becoming a problem, the reasons were probably much different but linked none the less. As much as men are ruled by their hormones if you put aside simple horniness there is a deeper issue if you cannot overcome your base instincts when they cause damage to your life.

How to stop porn addiction lies with and understanding and acceptance of the reasons you started watching so much porn not where you are right now and requires a great deal of introspection and insight into your own soul and motives. Low self esteem is one of the most common aspects of porn addiction but the reasons surrounding this problem vary greatly from person to person so a personalized approach to a cure is needed.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Quitting Pot - The Nasty 4 Letter Word That Is Stopping You

There are many things that seem keep you from quitting pot: Social reasons, stress, lack of a plan and so forth but hiding behind these excuses hides a nasty little devil that we either do not recognize or we do but try to hide him all the same; it is a dirty 4 letter word starting with ‘F’

That’s right … it is FEAR (what did you think I was talking about?)

We all like to think we can do what we want but there are obstacles in our way that stop us when the reality is that fear plays a much larger part in it that we will care to admit and if you have a been a long time smoker of marijuana it only intensifies because the alternative seems to much further away.

Most fear is quite subconscious however and usually shows its influences in the form of procrastination “I will quit: next week … after my birthday … when I finish this last bag of weed” etc or more overtly as an imagined obstacle “I can’t quit yet I will: lose my friends … suffer terrible withdrawals … lose my creativity.” etc. In the end though we realize what must be done it just seems to hard right?

This is not isolated to quitting marijuana addiction though or even any other addiction but can be applied to so many things in life whenever we need to embark on something new, a change of lifestyle or a new project or anything that we can not control the outcome.

The key is to not let it stop you from doing the things you know you have to do!

Here are a few main ways fear infects you and stops you quitting the bad habits that are holding you back and remember that courage is facing fear and doing what needs to be done despite of it, it is not the absence of fear itself!

Fear of Failure

Innumerable psychological studies have shown that the fear of failure is the main obstacle to personal success. This is linked closely to self-esteem in that we so closely link any task to our own self worth and so rather than risk possible humiliation we never even try … and if we do try and we do fail it negatively reinforces it all over again.

So how do we get over this fear of failure and all the negative self worth baggage that comes along with it?

  • Admit to yourself that you are afraid of failure to quit smoking pot.
  • Understand that if you stumble and fail, give in for just one smoke etc that it is not the end .. just something to learn from.
  • Relish the learning experience, and reject the illusion of humiliation, this can seem hard but once it becomes an ingrained habit it is a tool you can use for everything in life.

Fear of Success

Why the heck should anyone fear success?? If you want to quit smoking marijuana then why would we be afraid of being able to do it? This can be a tricky concept and is one of the hardest to puzzle out but basically it is because we are afraid of change and the new challenges that come with change that drive this, instead of thinking about positives we subconsciously associate success with all the problems that might come with it rather than the positives it will bring.

Success can also inject a few things into life that seem scary and can be overwhelming: Will your friends be hateful of your choice? Will you no longer be able to feel a high? How will you combat stress now? Any of these feel familiar?

Here are some tips to fight back against this type of fear:

  • Change comes no matter what happens, quit or keep smoking change will come so why not quit and face the change with a clear head and a fuller wallet?
  • Babe Ruth held the home run record and the strikeout record simultaneously. Keep swinging for the fences.
  • The positives that you get from quitting pot are not just the fact you will not be smoking and all that comes with that but it is the drive and determination and life lessons you will gain from the journey too.

Fear of Social Rejection

This can be a part of a fear of success but seems to have a special place for many people looking to quit smoking weed. Often your entire circle of friends may be smokers and the fear of them rejecting your choices can lead to you feeling like they are rejecting you as a person not just your life decision.

So, how do we avoid our fear of social rejection? Some do not do anything and do not even try but this is going to leave you unfulfilled and scared to do anything for yourself, so instead these tips may help you get over this fear.

  • Remember, you’ll never please everyone. Some people may be supportive and some will never be … who do you want to be your friends anyway?
  • Your life choices are your own, not theirs and it does not reflect on their choices either, if you let them know that and do not judge them then they have no right to judge you.

Fear of Risk

Like a fear of success this is a fear of the unknown, it is however more focused on being ’safe’. No one ever got anywhere in life by not taking some risks and the same is true of stopping marijuana use because safety is about the status quo and not moving out of your comfort zone where everything seems controllable compared to the alternative.

Our brains actually are geared this way too which makes it doubly hard to beat this fear as we are hard wired to embrace consistency and familiarity. However better things are only there for those who seek the unfamiliar. Try to remember these things in your goals.

  • What is the worst that could happen? Will quitting pot really be that hard or difficult?
  • Risk-taking breeds self-confidence. Each step you take, each day you abstain from smoking will give you the energy to take the next step, face the next day until you conquer the fear completely
  • Do not over think it! Just do it!

If these tips are helpful to you click here to sign up for the quit marijuana newsletter and check out the downloadable resources available from the Marijuana Addiction Treatment page

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How To Stop Smoking Marijuana - Understanding Your Addiction

A common misconception about marijuana addiction is that like cigarettes and some hard drugs in that the body develops an addiction to a chemical and if deprived of it brings on serious physical cravings that can near incapacitate some people. This is however totally incorrect and is one of the main reasons people misunderstand the addiction and fail when trying to quit.

So what is the secret on how to stop smoking marijuana? Why am I addicted to a non addictive substance? … The answer is psychological.

Since your body has no desperate need for pot the addiction this creates is mental or psychological. Psychological addiction stems from a person’s addiction to the high that an action creates; gambling addiction is the same when people are addicted to winning and even shopping can be a psychological addiction when people get addicted to finding bargains and buying nice things even if they will never use them. In the end they are all similar in that this high becomes something a person wants so much they believe it is a need and will continue to smoke pot because they think they cannot do without it and continue chasing the high.

However to combat this we need to go even deeper and look at why that initial addiction to that high began. What drove you to start smoking and what drove you to continue smoking. Some people simply fell into it because their friends all smoked, others use pot as a was to escape stress or to escape from abuse and others still smoke marijuana because they lack direction in their lives and it feels like an easy way to waste time which they find they cannot escape from. There are as many reasons for addiction as there are addictions meaning everyone is different but the common link is everyone one needs to understand their addiction and the cause before they can really learn to quit forever.

If you can find these reasons then you can start taking action to stop smoking marijuana. Some methods include meditation, finding rewarding hobbies, exercise, finding different social groups and so on. These solutions often have to be hand tailored by the addict so they can fill that time they spent smoking with other activities that are healthy and bring a sense or reward without being high. Though some have to be careful they do not simply pick up a replacement addiction which can be just as bad.

So how to stop smoking marijuana is actually how to understand all aspects of your addiction and then finding the willpower and help you need to fill your life with healthier and better things. good luck!

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Overcoming Porn Addiction - 3 Tips To Kick Your Addiction

The internet is expanding at an amazing rate and with that comes an amazing expansion in porn sites and another less than pleasant consequence that is internet porn addiction. The anonymity of the web coupled with the ease of access to pornography has led to many people becoming a slave to the adult entertainment industry that can at the very least waste enormous amounts of time to playing a massive role in destroying their health and relationships. Overcoming porn addiction has become something that many people who feel they are losing focus on their life as they are drawn back again and again to the computer need to know about. If you are in such a position here are 3 tips that may help you kick your addiction.

1. Block Those Sites!
While this is not a cure for the psychological problems that are at the root cause of your addiction this is akin to throwing away your cigarettes and asking your local tobacco shop to not sell it to you even if you ask. By denying yourself the instant access even if you can get around it the ease of finding porn is reduced and it becomes less appealing. If you are subscribed to any porn sites then unsubscribe right now also!

2. Find An Online Hobby
When you are on the computer it is all too easy to get sidetracked and start checkout porn again. You must develop an action that happens when you are about to search for porn that will draw you away from it. Anything can be better but do not swap one addiction for another, playing some simple online games that interest you can help or research something that can benefit you or even just get out of your chair and do some exercise are better options. The main thing is that whatever distraction from the porn you choose has actually got to be invigorating or it may seem dull in comparison and you will not stick with it.

3. Do Not Isolate Yourself
Often people who are addicted to porn do so because they have isolated themselves from others, even in a busy house if your computer is locked away where no one can talk to you then maybe you should move to a less isolated space, this will not only stop you from looking up porn if people are around but the more interaction you have with people the less self involved you will be. If you live alone try to develop some online contacts that are talkative, instead of looking up porn use some instant messaging programs to talk to other people, it has been seen that while you are engaged with other people behaviors like porn addiction can be moved to the back of your mind.

While these may not treat the absolute core issues with porn addiction they can give you a fighting chance to make the time to be introspective enough to deal with the underlying causes of addiction which can include low self esteem, rejection issues and much more.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

How To Quit Smoking Marijuana - Help To Quit Marijuana Forever!

While the debate over legalizing marijuana still rages and the pros and cons of this drug are debated endlessly those who have developed an unhealthy addiction to this drug know all too well the negative effects it can bring to ones life. From the massive amount of time that disappears from your life, the amount of money you keep shelling out to feed the addiction to the frightening lack of clarity and memory that comes from long term use, pot smokers looking to kick the habit keep looking for the answer on how to quit smoking marijuana.

Thankfully there are a few key facts about marijuana addiction that can help you quit marijuana forever. The first thing you must know is that marijuana is not a chemically addictive drug like cigarettes or cocaine which contain certain chemicals that give the user withdrawal symptoms that have physical side effects that only the drug itself seem to be able to cure. Marijuana has none of these properties which means that addiction to pot is a physiological addiction.

Psychological addiction is similar to gambling addiction or alcohol addiction in that the user seeks the high of this activity because they desperately want it for reasons to do with their state of mind not what their body craves. While a problem gambler may keep gambling for the elation of winning and the chance to gain back his losses a marijuana addict must have a core set of issues that bring tem back to the drug time and time again. For some it is simple as being a relaxant they rely on to help them calm down, others are drawn back because all of their friends also smoke and they do it to be social, others still may have mental problems that cut deep and the high of marijuana smoking is the only thing they feel can help them escape their constant torment.

In any case however the solution is similar, find these core issues you have before you try to give up on marijuana! If you do not have a firm grasp on the issues that keep you coming back to the drug you will never be able to quit smoking pot and keep sliding back into using it again and again.

So before you even start trying to quit smoking marijuana take this advice and look at the root causes of your addiction which may not be the same as why you started smoking either. I hope this can help you to quit marijuana and live the life you want to lead!

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Friday, February 13, 2009

How To Quit Pot - 4 Tips To Quit Weed Addiction Forever

While Marijuana is not a hard drug like heroin, cocaine or ice and has not been linked to cancer and heart disease like cigarette smoking the overuse of pot has ruined or inhibited many lives. Whatever your reason for wanting to know how to quit weed forever these tips for quitting pot may help you live the life you want to.

1. Understand your addiction

The first thing you must do is realize what your addiction actually is. You see, unlike cigarettes which contain nicotine which causes a chemical addiction in your body that gives you physical cravings for a smoke pot has no such chemicals. The addiction most pot smokers have is what is labeled a mental addiction. This means that there is no chemical or physical need to go an smoke some Marijuana, it is instead simply something you have come to believe you need because it is comfortable and the high you get feels good and you do not want to let it go; this is a psychological need;

2. Understand your psychological need

Once you can accept that your addiction stems from a psychological need you can move to understand that need. Is smoking an escape from a harsh reality? Is it simply a symptom of boredom? Is it because all your friends use pot too? The reasons we develop addictions are many and varied but understanding the core of it can allow you to set yourself free.

3. Find something to replace your addiction

This does not mean find another drug! It does however mean that while you try to quit pot you need to develop some coping mechanisms when you feel the need to use pot again. Finding something creative and fulfilling to fill that void can often lead to great things.

4. Develop your will to quit

As was said, Marijuana is not chemically addictive so quitting comes down to willpower. Now this does not mean that if you feel the need to use pot again you have weak willpower as psychological addiction can be very strong in people especially those who have used weed for many years. It does however mean that it will come down to what you do and the support the people around you offer, there are no pot “patches”.

How to quit smoking pot is much easier said than done but it is very possible to quit weed forever if you understand your addiction and take steps to remedy this core problem along with some willpower and a drive to succeed you can do this!

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Using Meditation To Quit Marijuana - Does It Work?

Marijuana addiction is becoming more and more common as availability and ease of access to this “soft” drug increases. Many people cling to the high they get from pot and continually smoke to keep that high going as often as they can meanwhile they sink further and further into addiction until it does not become an enjoyable experience but an absolute need. Unlike cigarettes and other drugs however marijuana addiction is not a physical or chemical addiction but a psychological one which is where using meditation to quit marijuana can help people overcome this problem.

Pot, weed, cannabis, hash or whatever your name for it, marijuana can take a hold of ones life much like an alcohol or gambling addiction in that there is no cravings for chemicals like nicotine in cigarettes but there is a craving for the high you get from the action. Gamblers are addicted to the high of winning so much they will risk everything they have to get that high once more and the same goes for any psychological addiction. It is a dependence on that high they experienced the first times but it becomes dangerous when it gets out of hand leading to problems with health, money and social aspects of their lives.

This means there are no patches or chewing gum that can help you overcome cravings for marijuana; the cravings are simply a want so bad it feels like a need. This means everyone has a different way of coping with psychological addictions to make themselves realize they do not need to smoke pot and can have the willpower to quit. Meditation is one way that people have used to quit successfully because of its calming and introspective effects.
The benefits of meditation are twofold. Firstly it gives you another activity to take the place of smoking pot which enables you to spend your time on something healthier for you and replaces that time block in your life you once filled with an addiction. Secondly while meditating you can free your mind and body from the daily pains and bothers of life and can separate yourself from your anxieties cutting off that psychological craving that may be bugging you. Some find after meditation it does come back but repeated meditation eventually alleviates such things. People also find a certain “high” from meditation that is natural and healthy that they can use as a substitute for pot as well which is beneficial to all parts of their life.

Some claim that meditation is just a replacement addiction or action and does not solve the root cause of why someone became addicted to marijuana in the first place. Many take up such an addiction to get away from some pain in their lives and feel pot gives them an escape. I also believe this is true but you cannot solve these problems while you have an addiction but having the will to look at your life and find what it is that has driven you to such measures is very important and using meditation can be much easier. From a lack of direction in ones life to physical assault at home to high stress jobs psychological drug addition has many causes that need to be addressed.

So it is my firm belief that using meditation to quit marijuana does work and can only be a good thing for those that try and may lead you to a better state of being in a spiritual sense and a more stable life in a very realistic sense.

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Also, if you are interested in meditation techniques click here for more information and meditation audio guides.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How to Quit Smoking Weed - You Can Quit Smoking Pot Forever

Marijuana while only a “soft drug” compared to the likes of cocaine, heroin and others can still be a very addictive and destructive drug. Many people who long to quit smoking pot find their lives revolve around marijuana and it becomes a habit that fills any gap in their lives. It can become such an integral part of their lives that they feel like they are living in a haze most of the time and are missing out on some very important parts of life. The first thing to know when learning how to quit smoking weed is that the drug is not chemically addictive!

Pot is not an addictive drug like heroin or cigarettes as there is no physical craving that occurs when you do not take the drugs. Pot does not affect the receptors in your brain like these drugs and the effects are also not as vivid as the hard drugs making it less of an issue to many people to start smoking. The primary addiction to weed is a psychological addiction, the memory of the highs you once felt smoking pot always come back and make you want to try to reach that feeling again even if it takes you more and more pot to do this as you become more resistant to its effects. The smoking goes from a pleasurable action to a habit with little real benefit just a perceived one. To compound this many pot smokers have friends who also smoke and it becomes a social thing making it more ingrained.

So this being said it is possible to quit smoking weed without suffering cravings or relapses and you are not fighting with a chemical need but a psychological need which can be overcome with willpower. While this may sound easy it can of course be a lot harder in practice as the habit can run very deep especially for those who have smoked for years. Quitting can be accompanied by anxiety and depression as you learn to live life without the constant smoking which can seem soothing and comforting but only because it was a part of your routine. The trick for some people is to find something to replace this addiction, obviously not another addiction but something creative and fulfilling. Something that makes you happy without an extreme high you may try to latch onto as an alternative.

So how to quit smoking weed in a nutshell? You must realize you do not crave weed but just want it! Once you learn to adapt to a life without marijuana you will find you can quit smoking pot forever!

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