Saturday, March 21, 2009

How To Break A Porn Addiction

Breaking any addiction is a complex process that involves understanding and action and how to break a porn addiction is just the same!

While this may seem simplistic lets look and see how important each one is and how they fail without each other.


Action is important; if you procrastinate over doing something then you will never get it done. Most people suffering from addictive behavior lack the drive to take action. A smoker says he will quit on his birthday or new year, a gambler will quit after their next big win and so one but usually they continue to delay. Having the willpower to take action is something that no one can really help you with it has to come from a determination within yourself fueled by a vision of how much better your life will be when you cure yourself.
Such immediate actions for porn addiction include unsubscribing to porn sites, deleting all porn from your computer and blocking porn sites out with 3rd party software. These are good steps more for motivation than for effectiveness but reducing temptation is never a bad thing.
The problem comes when one takes action without a true understanding of their addiction. Action is a top down approach tackling the symptoms and very obvious aspects of the addiction but it does not remove the root cause of your addiction so the weed may once again grow in a moment of weakness undoing all the good you have done.


Understanding helps you take a bottom up approach to overcoming porn addiction. This means you must first understand what your addiction is, how it is damaging your life and those around you and of course understanding you do actually have a serious problem.

Following this you must delve deeper into your psychological problems and investigate and understand the root causes of your addiction be it low self esteem, a warped view of women and sex or problems within your marriage perhaps? There are so many reasons and everyone is different so it must be you who comes to the final realization.

Armed with this knowledge you can take on these causes and find ways to come to terms with them and eliminate them from your life making you a stronger person and killing the weed at its base.

However, some people have an uncanny ability to over think things and investigate and understand but never get around to actually taking action! Nothing amount of soul searching will actually help you quit unless you have the will to take positive actions not only against the top down aspects mentioned but against the root problems which are a lot harder.

The motivation to do all this can be hard to come by but the sheer fact of the matter is that your future is in your hands and this is a battle that can be won if you apply yourself men tally and physically to the task. There are reams and reams of books written about motivation so I will not go into that here but provided you can keep the motivation and use these two tools you can be porn free before you know it!

Did you find this article helpful?
Are you looking for the motivation and information you need to succeed?
If you want professional advice as a sufferer or if you know someone who is addicted and want to help click this link for a proven guaranteed guide to overcome porn addiction.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

There is no easy answer to how to stop an addiction to porn as the real causes behind such a damaging habit are as varied as the bizarre sex acts you find in the adult entertainment industry! Without a one shot 12 step program or something of the like we must look for a more personalized solution that takes into account the fact that every case is different and every person responds to different methods of curing their problems.

It is recommended however that the first step should be to take action and remove the temptation by unsubscribing to porn sites and deleting all traces of porn from your computer as well as putting in place site blockers. The less temptations there are the more chance you have to find the real reasons behind your problem. It also gives a much needed motivational boost taking affirmative action directly against what plagues them but beware this can be a short term cure if the underlying problems are not addressed!

To really counter an addiction you need to understand the root cause of the addiction and take action against that or any other short term measure will eventually be overcome in a moment of weakness. Porn addiction is most often attributed to low self esteem and while this is not the only cause it is by far the most common. Why this may be depends on the person and overcoming low self esteem is a whole other fight you may have to win before you can cure your porn addiction. Whether this is your problem or it is something else an honest analysis without self deception or exaggeration is needed to isolate each issue and break them down into manageable chunks you can deal with one at a time.

So take action and get started one what may be a very personal journey of discovery, most addictions are not isolated problems but require an entire new look on life to break and if that is the case it can only be for the better so keep in mind all the good things that can come from breaking your addiction to porn and get out there and fight for your freedom and mental health!

Are you ready to kick your addiction but do not know where to start?
Do you want to quit first time and never go back to the old problems?
If you are seeking a proven and guaranteed set of advice and solutions to porn addiction click below to find out more.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Methods of How to Quit Smoking for Better Health

“Have you got a plan to quit smoking?” I asked.
“Plan? I am just going to stop and that is that!” my friend replied.
“Like the last two times then huh?” perhaps I should not be so sarcastic but she does this every time!

To be honest that is just the way my friend Sally is, she makes decisions on the spur of the moment which makes her a fun and lively girl but when she said he was going to quit for the 3rd time I had to ask if she had methods of how to quit smoking cigarettes before she went on her merry way, doomed to another failure and increasingly worse smokers cough.

Her answer of course was “no”, she had no methods and no plan because she blamed the last two attempts that failed on the stresses she was under or the environment she was in without taking any responsibility for herself. This time though she agreed to sit down and come up with a plan with some methods and rules for herself to overcome this unhealthy addiction for good.

Do you have a plan to quit?

If not, you may be like my friend Sally, headed for another failure all because you did not spend just a little bit of time and maybe a little bit of extra money to secure a success from their quitting goals. This is your health and your family’s health you are dealing with after all!

Methods of how to quit smoking cigarettes do not need to be long winded just some basic things written down to help you along. I tend to divide them into three sections.

  • Goals - Write down realistic goals with dates on them to keep. It could be the exact date you will go cold turkey or it might be how many you will reduce smoking every day. As long as it is written down and carried with you as a reminder
  • How to deal with Cravings - Some people suffer badly from the cravings caused by the nicotine addiction you have built up over your time smoking. IT is important to have a plan on what to do when they hit, typically you need to distract yourself. Go clean up your office or home might be one or think of people playing tennis (bizarre but true it helps! Must be the repetitive back and forth is soothing) or anything lese that has nothing to do with smoking.
  • Reasons - One of the most important things you need to do is to change your mindset from that of a smoker to that of a non-smoker. To do this you need good solid reasons for why quitting will be good … write down all the benefits you will see, extra money, health, family; whatever is MOTIVATING to you!

This really helped Sally in her attempt but it did not make it a breeze for her. One thing that did help her was her decision to use a self hypnosis course that really worked as she had been hypnotized before and knew its power.

For more information on hypnosis to quit smoking cigarettes and other self help options click below to find out more to become a healthier, happier person.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Quit Cigarette Smoking - Do You Know Your Options?

When you quit cigarette smoking you will find yourself looking for help as soon as the cravings hit and it all becomes too hard. This is perfectly normal and understandable but many people simply take whatever option of help is put in their way first often to the detriment of their quit cigarette smoking goals!

To combat this here is a quick list of help available to smokers looking to kick their habit and be happier, healthier (and have a wallet with more cash in it too!)

1. Products
There is a range of cessation treatment products designed to wean smokers of cigarettes and hold off cravings by feeding the nicotine addiction that is a large cause (but not the only one) of the need to smoke again.
You can purchase nicotine patches, nicotine gum (like Barack Obama), nicotine spray and inhalers too. These are all designed to help with nicotine cravings but they will not stop you smoking cigarettes if you have a strong psychological addiction to them which most people have. They can be a useful addition to your attempt to quit though as long as you do not put all your faith in them!

2. Support Groups
There are many support groups and therapy groups available for smokers which can be located through local medical centers and hospitals. One problem with therapy and groups like this though is that everyone else is hooked like you and all you do is talk about smoking which can be a distraction from quitting sometimes! IT can generate more stress than it solves and the quitting rate from these is quit poor. However if you have no support from anyone else in your life this may be the best option because everyone needs personal support going through this rough time.

3. Hypnosis
Many may scoff at the thought of quitting cigarette smoking through hypnosis but more and more people who are open to the idea have found some relief with hypnosis. This is because it does not change the way you think with mind control as many may think but instead it is a tool to slightly reprogram the way you think but only if you want it to. Skeptics should keep away from this but if you believe in the power of the mind and what6 hypnosis can do it has produced decent results. As a note you can also do self hypnosis with many audio courses available on the internet to help you quit smoking cigarettes.

4. Neuro Linguistic Programming
This term has a mixed reaction in the psychological sciences, some discredit it but under various different names extremely successful life coaches like Anthony Robbins have taken the core concept and shaped it to change millions of people’s lives for the better. The basic concept is that through language and certain ways of thinking you can reprogram the way you think. Much like hypnosis it requires an open mind but NLP practitioners have shown it can be a powerful ally to strengthen resolve and change life habits.

5. Lung Detoxification
This is something you rarely hear about but has had many success stories also. The basic premise is that your lungs are filled with tar and gunk from smoking cigarettes for so long and to quit cigarette smoking you must detox your lungs and clean them out. While this is simply a great idea for your health it has the added benefit that it actually puts you off cigarette smoking once it is done because the rapid detox effect leaves the body unused to smoking and makes it quit un-enjoyable.

If you would like more information on the self help aspect of quitting cigarette smoking click below to find out more about how you can help yourself healthier, happier and smoke free without horrendous cravings.
Make this attempt to quit be the successful one.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Is There A Porn Addiction Cure?

Is there a porn addiction cure? The simple answer is yes, there are cures for any addictive behavior as it is not something hard coded into you that you cannot overcome, there is always a way to change the course of your life with some hard work and an honest and open mind.

All addiction is caused by some base issues that drive people to addictive behavior, most often it is used as an escape from something in their lives and becomes so ingrained it starts to take over their life destroying relationships and friendships and costing you enormous amounts of time and money!

To counter sickness of the mind like this the base cause of the problem must be identified and isolated so you can find a way to change yourself to overcome this. Just stopping excessive porn viewing will yield nothing in the long run unless the reasons behind it are not exposed and solved.

The most common cause of porn addiction is probably low self esteem which can manifest differently in every person so there is no one easy solution to the problem but as long as you can find this cause or perhaps others you have won your first major fight against addiction.

So when we talk about a porn addiction cure we are actually talking about a cure to a deep seated problem within someone’s psychological makeup that may have been festering there for years and years. How you solve these issues is something very personal and the entire psychiatric industry is still finding new and inventive ways to help or make money out of people with mental issues but the advice I offer is that if you are of strong enough will to find these problems honestly then you can take them, break them down into smaller little problems that you can find some way of reconciling or overcoming.

So is there a porn addiction cure? yes, but it has to be you who finds the solution as long as you have the right resources and support!

Did you find this article helpful?
Are you ready to cure your addiction?
Do you just need a little help and advice to get you through?
If so, you can benefit from some expert advice that has been proven and guaranteed to help people overcome porn addiction time and again.
click below to find out more!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

10 Ways to Quit Smoking Cigarettes & Be Smoke Free Forever!

If you are thinking of quitting smoking cigarettes then you must know how bad they are for you and those around you and I applaud your decision. You have also probably heard many nightmare tales of how hard it is to quit which may be scary and demotivating. To help you kick your addiction to cigarettes and the addictive component nicotine here are 10 tips and ways to quit smoking cigarettes that can show you it can be done and it is not as hard as people can make it out to be if you have a plan!

1. Write a list of reason you LIKE smoking
It may seem counter to your needs to quit smoking but ignoring why you like smoking and why you continue to smoke is important so that psychologically you can overcome these things or leave them behind or replace them with something. Ignoring them simply means when cravings hit those reasons subconsciously attack your reasoning and resolve.

2. Make a list of reasons it will be hard to quit
Wow, I sound so negative so far which I am sorry for but bear with me! Honesty is massive part of overcoming an addiction to nicotine and cigarettes because many people try to quit without being honest with themselves first and those people usually fail on that attempt. So write down a list of reasons you think might make it hard to quit or the reasons you know from experience have made it harder.

3. Write a list of reasons you want to quit
Ok now we are getting more positive! Again HONESTY is the big word here for the same reason stated before. You need as many solid positive reasons for quitting cigarettes so that these ways to quit smoking cigarettes work! HINT: List them in a positive way so instead of writing “Scared of lung cancer” write “I want to be healthy and live a long life!” … negative reasons are not as strong as positive ones.

4. Write down a list of ways to tackle cravings
When the cravings hit all reasoning and resolve can suddenly go out the window as you may already have experienced and is not something to be ashamed of. You just need a way to overcome these things, having something to distract you from the cravings is a very important things to do whether it is to get your joggers on and hit the pavement or if you are at work to maybe chew some gum, get a coffee or clean up your office space.

5. Compare lists
Now you have a few sheets of paper (or for some people nearly a book!) you can compare your negative and positive reasons. This is important because often if you have more reasons you like smoking compared to reasons you want to quit smoking cigarettes then you may not be ready to quit and might need to find some more reasons and support to quit. Also if your list of things to do to overcome cravings do not have an answer to all your reasons why quitting might be hard then you may need to revisit the former list and add to it. Once you have done this not only have you been introspective enough to see things clearly and plan ahead you have created the base work for a contract with yourself to quit which is a cornerstone of quitting cigarettes for good.

6. Set a quit date
Having firm goals is important when dealing with addictions and when looking for ways to quit smoking cigarettes this is a vital step. Having a set date you set for yourself and can plan for means you will not make snap decision when you are not ready and you will also force yourself to commit to a date than a vague “I will quit next week” then that week never seems to come …

7. Throw out all smoking paraphernalia
Get rid of them when that quit date hits! Get rid of your smokes, if you hold on to any cigarettes it is a temptation and a subconscious easy way out .. if you are serious break the fags and toss them out, if you can’t do that you are not ready to quit. Also get rid of lighters and anything else that has to do with smoking in your space.

8. Busy your hands and mouth
One part of the addiction to cigarettes that people ignore in favor of concentrating on the dependency effects of nicotine is the habit that has formed over many years of the actual ACTION of smoking. IF you carry some toothpicks you can suck on or some nuts you can crack open and eat you will busy your hands looking for a familiar action, no need for anything terribly elaborate just keep them busy or they may stray to a cigarette.

9. State your intention to quit smoking cigarettes
Tell your friends, tell your family and tell your co-workers that you plan to quit smoking cigarettes for a two reasons. One, you need a support network to help you so it is good to get as many well wishers and helpers as you can. Two if you are not announcing it does not become REAL to you and is less substantial because it is like you are a keeping a secret often as many do not want the stigma of people knowing they failed if it comes to that which is just another excuse!

10. Stay Positive, Quit positive
Research has shown that those that quit when in a good and positive mood stand a much greater chance of achieving their goal. IF you plan to quit and map out your ways to quit smoking cigarettes while under stress of when depressed it does not bode well as a negative reason as has been mentioned is no where near as strong as positive ones!

This list may only scratch the surface of all the challenges and ways to quit that you may need to kick your habit for you particular situation. If you want to be armed with all the tools & information that can give you every chance to be smoke free forever click below to find out more.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Nicotine Addiction – Myths & Facts

Many publications and even some commercials have made statements that nicotine is a poison that kills, but is it true? Nicotine is said to be both a bad habit that people can just lay down, but others claim that it is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. The claims that nicotine is used in insecticides have been circulating for years, so is it? All of these informational tidbits sound unreasonable and unbelievable; however the part about just laying them down seems reasonable. Which is the truth and which is fiction? Is nicotine deadly, or just someone’s mission to put the tobacco industry under? Here we will expose some of the most common myths and shed light on the truth about nicotine addiction.

Myth: Those addicted to nicotine products are weak, or else they would just quit the habit!

Fact: Any type of addiction is not centered on strength, because even the strongest people fall victim to something. Since everyone has their vice, we cannot make the general statement that smokers or chewers are simply weak. Nicotine addiction, just like all other addictions, has some habits associated; however the actual addiction is far more than just a habit. In order to quit it takes much dedication, education, withdrawals and a strong support network.

Myth: Nicotine is not addictive and if it is it is not as bad as illegal drugs.

Fact: Nicotine is highly addictive, regardless of what the cigarette manufacturers have said in years past. While in treatment most nicotine addicts have claimed that their cessation of illegal drugs was easier to quit than cigarettes. Nicotine if often compared to the addiction of heroin and cocaine. Addiction is addiction, it simply doesn’t matter to what!

Myth: Nicotine could not be a poison or they couldn’t sell it.

Fact: Nicotine is derived from the leaves of the tobacco plant, which is meant as a deterrent to insects chewing on it. It is used in pesticides and said to be deadly in even a small drop. It is true that nicotine is used in pesticides and is more deadly than arsenic or strychnine. It can be sold because it is administered in such minute quantities that it doesn’t kill immediately, just slowly through years of consumption.

Myth: Gums, patches and other cessation products are the only way to quit.

Fact: The latest research has shown that all the cessation products are no more effective than a commitment to stop by the person along with some professional treatment. Education about how nicotine affects the body and changing the mind altering effects is the most effective manner by which to stop all nicotine usage.

Myth: Nicotine is not an addiction.

Fact: Nicotine addiction is as real as any other addiction on the books. In fact, some professionals believe that it is one of the most addictive because it is somewhat accepted. It is not illegal, leading some to believe that it must be ok, since it isn’t forbidden.
Those suffering from nicotine addiction should be taken very seriously. They must have help to stop the cravings, withdrawals and negative effects of this drug on their body. It is true that nicotine is out of the bloodstream within 72 hours from last ingestation, however that doesn’t mean that the cravings stop for another several weeks. Cessation is not easy, but it can be done with commitment, education and the help of others.

Overview | Treatment

Friday, March 6, 2009

Nicotine Addiction – An Overview

With every news report there is something about the harms of nicotine and how cigarettes are the new killer. Most offices, businesses and even restaurants have begun banning the use of cigarettes in and around their buildings. Some entire cities have ban smoking all together not only because the personal harms, but environmental as well. Those that suffer from nicotine addiction have trouble quitting with this being one of the toughest addictions to quit. The difficult feat of laying cigarettes or other nicotine products down is often discounted by others making the journey even more trying. Read on for more information about nicotine and what one, who is addicted, might expect or experience.

It Is Just A Cigarette Or Chew, What’s The Big Deal

The problem with the fact that it is just a cigarette or chew is that it contains a deadly ingredient. Nicotine is derived from the leaves of the tobacco plant, but it is actually very poisonous. Small drops of undiluted nicotine can kill a person much faster than arsenic or strychnine ever thought about. Another part of the chemical makeup of nicotine is that it takes only seconds to cross into the brain and alter hundreds of neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain). This leaves the smoker or dipper with an increased sense of peace or ‘awhhh’, with the release of dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that has been found to increase mood and control emotions within humans. So, products containing nicotine, being highly addictive, change the chemical makeup of the brain, therefore leaving the individual with a quick addiction that is very hard to quit.

What Happens When A Nicotine Addict Tries To Quit

Of the millions that smoke most express the desire to quit or reduce the amount of nicotine laced products that they ingest. However, only 6% of them are successful, through any cessation method that they choose. This is because within a few hours of the last signs of nicotine the body begins waging a war on the well intended victim. Symptoms are both physical and mental and are comparable to light withdrawals of their more illegal counterparts. Symptoms can include anxiety, cognitive deficiencies (can’t think straight), changes in mood, increased appetite and cravings. Because these symptoms overwhelm most people and can last for up to two hours, the addict gives in. This is not an easy feat, just look at the statistics, only 6% successfully quit!

The Habit In Nicotine Addiction

Many people from professionals on down to the average citizen commonly refer to smoking and chewing tobacco as a habit. While the rituals associated with nicotine use may well be a habit, the addiction is far more than that. The only habits with smoking or dipping is the behaviors leading up to ingesting, lighting, purchasing, holding…get the point? When cravings are a part of the equation and the individual experiences any type of craving or discomfort while longing for the next nicotine fix, they are addicted. And, while there are no hard or fast rules as far as time lines, most people become addicted to nicotine products within a few months, not years like some claim.

Harms Of Nicotine

The harms of nicotine are quite lengthy, however here we will highlight the most common. These are the most commonly associated diseases of nicotine usage:
• Heart disease
• High blood pressure
• Cancer
• Trouble with the throat, esophagus, tongue, mouth
• Increased risk of breathing diseases, COPD
• Malnutrition

Can Addicts Quit?

If the person’s heart is beating and they are breathing air on their own, they can give up nicotine. It takes education, support and a few days to rid of the changes that the nicotine has made within the brain, but it is possible. In fact, nicotine has left the bloodstream within 72 hours of the last ingestion. Withdrawals may be harsh for the first two to three days, but after that point the blood has returned and the body slows the desire for nicotine greatly. This is not to say that some will not experience the urge or craving because that can drag on for weeks, however with each day it diminishes. In order to quit, most people need an intervention. Either a family member or other loved one to stand by their side, supporting their desire to quit. There are many treatment options that individuals can try to help ease the cravings and withdrawals during this initial period. However, research has show that the most effective way to end nicotine addiction is to make a commitment within that it is a thing of the past and off limits.

Learn more about nicotine addiction and how to quit smoking here

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Alcohol Addiction – Facts & Myths

Sometimes myths float around for years having everyone convinced of their legitimacy, even though they are terribly wrong or inaccurate. Most never even validate or question these theories which can hinder their success greatly. Addiction is one of the hottest topics that have hundreds of myths. In order to dispel some of the most popular myths this article will focus on the real versus the untruths that we sometimes falsely believe! Read on for more information on the top five myths and truths about alcohol addiction.

Myth: Addiction is only a bad habit and the addict can quit if they muster the

Fact: Alcohol drinking may be a bad habit and that habit may well lead to addiction, however if the individual is addicted it is more than a bad habit. What some people call a habit is something that people do when they are really not suppose too. A bad habit in the face of serious troubles such as addiction are behaviors like leaving the toilet seat up or forgetting to put the toothpaste lid back on, but craving alcohol is much more than a habit. Now as far as strength, addiction is tricky and because the hormones can change within the brain it is not only the “strength” that the addict must find. It takes a combination of treatment, support and life changes to reverse the ills of addiction.

Myth: Treatment is a joke, just look how many people relapse!

Fact: While it is true that relapse is high, it doesn’t mean that treatment is ineffective or not worthwhile. Treatment is not magic or a cure to all of society’s problems, however the goal is to help those suffering from addiction to learn better coping skills as well as reduce some of the health, financial and societal problems that their addiction causes. There are some individuals addicted to alcohol that achieve abstinence with the help of community based groups, however the majority find help through outpatient based treatment and many still have been able to overcome alcoholism with self help information too.

Myth: People that have become addicted to alcohol have choose that path above all else.

Fact: There is some truth to the fact that addiction is a choice; however it involves the choices that were made in the beginning. Those times of all night drunks, drinking every day and finding every social occasion possible to get looped were the choices. Once addiction has taken over it is like any other disease, it is almost uncontrollable to the affected. The addiction as a disease grows and begins to affect the entire life, body, behavior and chemical makeup of the individual, therefore making it more than their choice.

Myth: The addict has to want help, or else treatment won’t work.

Fact: Most people that enter treatment do not do so on their own account. They are persuaded by family, friends or community supports that have identified addiction. The addict’s brain is fogged from the disease and they are oftentimes unable to control the urges or cravings. Recent research has actually shown that the reason the person entered treatment has little effect on the outcome of treatment.

Myth: People that become alcoholics have mental issues that lead them to addiction.

Fact: This may be so in some cases, but a one size fits all statement simply cannot apply when speaking of addiction. The prevalence of disorders such as depression and bi-polar disorder is high amongst alcoholics, however which came first? Not everyone that is addicted to alcohol is suffering from mental disorders; this is a blanket statement and simply is not true.
There are many myths out there about addiction and the path that individuals take in their lives. These are only a few of the most popular myths, but some that are frequently quoted by good intention Joe’s. These people are only trying to help, but sometimes add to the problem by spreading information that is incorrect. Before you take anything for face value, research it and find out whether it is a myth or fact.

Learn more about alcohol addiction here

Monday, March 2, 2009

3 Tips on Quitting Smoking & Stopping Cravings

Quitting smoking cigarettes can be a trial for many people be it their first attempt to stop smoking, a second time, a third or even more it is never easy. These 3 tips on quitting smoking cigarettes focus not just the everyday things that you need to do to not give in to the cravings but also the big picture to help you get over smoking for good by a change of mindset that is essential to stop smoking.

1. Dealing With Cravings
The first challenge confronted by men and women looking to quit smoking cigarettes is the cravings that hit when the body is demanding nicotine and also the psychological urge to smoke for its comforting action built up over years of smoking. While there are patches, gum and plenty of other aides that can help none of them will stop you smoking for good without the key facet of breaking any addiction which is WILLPOWER!
This does not mean that you just need superhuman willpower to sustain yourself through periods of intense withdrawals and cravings but without the belief that you can and will succeed it makes it all the harder. Apart from this there are some tricks to fighting cravings you can use when they hit which are usually simply ways to distract you until they pass. These cravings do not usually last longer than 10 minutes and are usually only 5 minutes long according to research so when you fee the tell tale withdrawal symptoms try doing one of these things:

  • Immediately do something, clean up your desk, clean up the house … busy yourself instead of sitting there thinking about the nicotine cravings which only makes it worse.
  • A mental trick that many use to great effect is to imagine a tennis match in your mind. Sounds silly right but the steady back and forth actually has an effect of calming and applying a steady beat for you to concentrate on … try it!
  • Exercise, not a full workout but have a 5-10 minute light workout you can do at home or in an office even if you head is pounding or you feel nauseous doing something to get the body’s feel good chemicals pumping will help.

2. Making a Plan
The key to making the foundations of willpower work for you is by having a plan to quit smoking cigarettes for the short term and the long term. It is advised you should even write these down with your goals and aspirations so that they are firm and not changeable like goals you keep in your head that can ‘change’ when things get tough.
If you plan to quit cold turkey, set a date that you will quit and make that date the time you throw out all your smoking paraphernalia like lighters, any remaining cigarettes, tobacco, rollups or whatever! Even dry clean your clothes to get the smoking smell out of them to make a clean break.
If you plan to reduce your smoking over time makes sure you have a daily or weekly plan of how many cigarettes you are allowing yourself to smoke and do not break it! in fact write it down every time you have one and check it before you smoke another. Then every day or week reduce that amount until you have a date where you have no smoking days left and you quit for good!
Goals can only be achieved if we have them set down and monitored or they just become dreams and like dreams can slip away when we wake up.

3. Change of Mindset
Lastly to achieve these tips on quitting smoking you must have the binding that allows you to do accomplish them because you WANT to accomplish them. While you may believe you need to quit smoking now do you want to quit or do you feel regret or longing. Do you feel forced to do this or can you not wait to give up the habit?
This is the question that will ensure long term success and a healthier life as a non smoker rather than a quick foray into that world and a retreat back to smoking and nicotine addiction. You must change your mindset and believe all the great things that come from being smoke free and that when cravings hit you do not see the easy way out by smoking but only see this as a speed bump on your journey because your DESIRE to quit smoking is greater than your desire for instant relief!

If this is your goal and you want to end this unhealthy habit for yourself and your family click below to find out more methods and tips on quitting smoking that have helped thousands of people stop smoking cigarettes to be smoke free, healthy and breathing easy!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Alcohol Addiction – An Overview

Alcohol addiction is something that is commonly misunderstood among all population ages. There are many beliefs and thoughts about drinking within society, so in some cases people confuse someone that likes to drink with an alcoholic. So, how do you tell an alcoholic from a social drinker if you’re not a counselor or other mental health professional? Is there a per beer limit or number of drunken stupors that one must engage in before they can be said to have an alcohol addiction? Since there are many factors, these questions can be somewhat difficult to answer, however there are some basics that must be understood before one comes to any type of conclusion. Read on for more information about alcohol addiction and the effects it commonly has on those addicted.

What Is An Alcoholic

An alcoholic is described as someone, who has a craving for alcoholic beverages regardless of the type and has trouble limiting their intake. Now some may say that they have an occasional craving for a cold beer or a margarita with dinner, but that is not what is meant by craving. For those that have a true addiction, they have trouble concentrating on their daily activities without overwhelming desires to have alcohol. These individuals have generally tried to slow their drinking or limit it at least once or twice without great success. They may also feel guilty about the amount of alcohol that they have taken in over the weekend or evening frequently. The type of liquor does not matter when assessing whether or not a person may be dependent on alcohol. It can include beer, wine, whiskey or any other beverage having liquor as an ingredient.

What Are Withdrawals

Withdrawals range from person to person and though some believe that a person must be a diehard alcoholic to experience withdrawals, this is not true. Once a person has established a pattern of drinking the body becomes accustom to it just like any other type of medication or chemical altering substance. Withdrawals are a set of symptoms that individuals sometimes feel if they have been without alcohol for a certain period of time. These withdrawal symptoms can include nausea, dizziness, sweating, headache and anxiety. These symptoms can vary greatly and are not the same for everyone, but are a good general guideline. Sometimes even if the person has a drink, the body will continue on with withdrawal symptoms because over time something known as an increased tolerance occurs.

Tolerance Explained

Alcohol tolerance is something that is believed to be inherited from family traits; however it can change through the consumption of alcohol. This set tolerance differs in most individuals and can be seen with two people drinking the same beverages as well as amounts. One person tolerates the drinks very well, and maintains their behavior as well as composure. The other person, on the other hand may have lowered inhibitions, become loud, unruly or show their intoxication more so. This is because of tolerance levels and why there are numerous factors such as weight, age and gender, it is quite detailed. For the purpose of this article, the basics will only be discussed. What happens is that individuals start out with this set point and over time their body slowly increases this tolerance level. Now what this means is that instead of three beers to make the individual intoxicated it now takes six and this can go on for many years. For the individual that has become addicted to alcohol they have a need to drink more to find that high again. So, they crave six beers instead of the three that use to do the trick! Tolerance is not something that happens overnight, however frequent drinking can build a person’s tolerance level over a period of months.

Long Term Effects Or Consequences

The short term effects are pretty self explanatory, drink and drive, you go to jail. Continue drinking, not only are there negative effects with family, friends, but also employment as well. The long term consequences are often over looked because they are not overly advertised. Long term alcohol abuse can include heart troubles; destroy brain cells, increases the chances of cancer, pancreatic disease, skin troubles, respiration troubles and even sexual dysfunction. Does alcohol still sound appealing? What is meant to be a socially acceptable gesture can actually cause severe troubles over the years.

Why Don’t You Just Stop Drinking

Most alcoholics as well as their family and friends believe that if they wanted to they could just stop drinking. All it takes is will power and a little self discipline, right? This couldn’t be further from the truth because the alcoholic has altered the chemical and hormonal balances within their brain, making it increasingly difficult to stop drinking. It is not as easy as cutting sugar or learning to exercise more, it often takes professional help to stop drinking once and for all. With a good support system of family, friends and treatment it is possible, but it is not easy. With the right information however we can teach those addicted to change the brains imbalance to help them leave drinking behind. Taking the first step is of course the most important and oftentimes the most difficult. The journey is long, but well worth the choice at life that it returns.