Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How To Stop Smoking Weed - Overcoming Social Pressures

One of the biggest obstacles you can face when trying to figure out how to stop smoking weed is how to overcome the social pressures of the task. This can come in many forms from friends and family who smoke to those that do not and not to mention the complex social interactions between all of this with you at the center trying to quit!

So how do you deal with these problems, keep your friends and family happy and still manage to quit? The answer lies with empathy

The ability to feel what others may be feeling and to be able to judge what they might be thinking is an invaluable tool in navigating social issues. Since most of the time the problems comes from revealing you are trying to quit to friends or family that are still using pot, the way you approach this and how you need to change your social dynamics is where you need a good sense of empathy.

For instance, a common situation is the worry that hanging with your friends who smoke pot will tempt you to smoke but telling them might make things awkward to the degree they ostracize you from the group. This is a reasonable fear but why they would do this is what you need to focus on. In most situations when someone reacts badly to your announcement it is because they feel you are judging their lifestyle by wanting to change yours from them … there is an instant disconnect and hurt feelings.

This can be avoided with the right approach which must be dealt with by wording it a way that does not condemn them and their habits but puts the focus on your need to do something different rather than saying smoking is a problem but it is just a problem for YOU. This can sometimes get you allies who might have been thinking the same for some time or might gain support even in words and encouragement or even being polite and not offering you joints or not smoking near you.

Understanding the viewpoint of other people in your social circle is essential to be able to quit with help and support while retaining friends and family bonds.

Click here for more help and inspiration to quit smoking weed for good

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How To Quit Marijuana By Stopping Cravings

One of the biggest challenges anyone faces when stopping an addiction is the cravings you feel and when discovering how to quit marijuana this will be a major factor in your plan to overcome cannabis addiction so you can lead a healthy happy life and not feel the NEED to smoke pot all the time.

First though, we must look at what a craving is!

Dependency cravings
Dependency is when your body becomes addicted to a drug and you face physical symptoms when you stop taking that drug. In the case of cigarettes a lack of intake of nicotine (often referred to as withdrawal) means you body believes it is being starved of something vital which can lead to agonizing headaches, nausea, diarrhea and more. The difference between cigarettes and marijuana though is that pot is not physically addictive and has hardly any of these symptoms making cases of marijuana dependency a debatable topic.

This does not mean there are no physical side effects to quitting marijuana however as many who have stopped smoking pot can testify. The active ingredient in Marijuana called THC (TetraHydroCannabinol) causes physical changes in your body chemistry which can lead to a few physical effects such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Vivid Dreams
  • Mild Nausea
  • Sore Throat

Getting rid of THC from your body is a long term process however because it is stored in fat cells and is released at a later date. To speed the process and get through these physical problems it is best to do a detox to flush as much of it out of your system as you can. Exercise top burn fat, lots of water and other detox methods are very helpful in this regard.

Psychological Cravings
The physical aspect of quitting smoking pot is only the tip of the iceberg for many marijuana addicts because the addiction is not dependency on the drug which is basically a non-event. Instead, like many other behavioral problems such as gambling, alcoholism and sexual addictions, those that feel they cannot stop smoking weed are considered psychologically addicted and often use the physical symptoms that occur in the first few weeks as a belief they are ‘hooked’ on the drug despite its lack of dependency issues.

This is nothing to be embarrassed about though, people form ingrained habits to all sorts of things and some things that can be healthy, but when a habit becomes an addiction in that you believe you cannot exist without it this is nearly always detrimental to your life in many negative ways and this is where the real cravings come from.

You feel you NEED to smoke.
You feel SCARED not to smoke.
You might feel you cannot GET BY without just smoking even a little.

This might not even be apparent to you when learning how to quit marijuana, especially if you blame your continuance to smoke on the physical symptoms you get when you do not smoke and this is where the cravings that are rooted deep in your mind come from and these are the ones you need to uproot more than any!

For more information on how to quit smoking marijuana click below and get pot free forever!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Should You Ask Them To Quit Smoking Weed?

Asking someone to stop smoking marijuana is a thorny issue for so many reasons I may not have time to list them all but the fact of the matter is that usage of marijuana can cause extreme friction between friends, family and lovers. This friction has led to merely unpleasant to sometimes horrific scenarios of break ups, ostracism, estrangement which can all too often leave the addict further in the grips of marijuana. It seems like it should be a no brainer then but let’s take a step back for a moment.

Should you ask them to quit smoking weed?

  • Will this cause any problems?
  • Do you have the right to ask them to stop?
  • Do you know why you are asking them to stop?

These are all important questions to think of when you are deciding to confront someone about their marijuana addiction because if done in the wrong way with the wrong reasons you could cause a rift that is harder to heal and the friction between you will also still remain.

The reasons WHY you want them to quit smoking weed are the most important and these reasons need to be well defined to yourself before you even consider broaching the topic with this marijuana user. Many might simply say ‘because I do not like it’ but that is not a convincing argument to any pot smoker. Instead you need to make sure you understand and can express truthfully your own motives. Also, when considering should you ask them to quit smoking weed you should make sure that the reasons you have and the outcomes this would give would have benefits to BOTH of you or it may be seen as a selfish act even if you are sincerely concerned for their well being.

If you can answer all these questions and believe that you can broach the topic without incurring anger from the other person then yes you can ask them to stop smoking marijuana but you must be prepared to be drawn into an argument and be able to stay calm and focused and positive during it because an addict needs:

  • Help, not condemnation
  • Support, not shame
  • And understanding, not retaliation

5 Benefits of Giving Up Marijuana

Giving up weed is a personal choice for those whose pot smoking habits are becoming uncontrollable and are damaging their life. While not everyone who smokes pot is addicted or has negative effects from their smoking many that are having trouble with addiction and pot often need to see the positive benefits of being off the drug to start their journey. The benefits of giving up marijuana are many and varied but 5 of the most common perks that ex-potheads mention are as follows:

  • 1. Freedom - This can mean a lot of things to different people but many ex smokers have been amazed at how their life changes once they do not feel they are enslaved to pot. They choices they make are clear and do not come with an addicts restrictions of when they are going to light up, where they will take a hit and so on. Freedom from the chains of addiction is liberating and opens more doors than you imagine when you are still smoking and are addicted.
  • 2. Money - Marijuana is not cheap. Some may have money as the last thing on their list of benefits with more concern with their physical health and mental health but once free of addiction many comment on just how much money they saved not having this habit that now goes towards much more positive things like savings, loan repayments, movies, better food, gym memberships, clothes or anything else that makes your life easier or better. Money should probably not be THE key motivator when you are trying to quit because you need to want to quit not be forced to by monetary constraints however.
  • 3. Clarity - Clarity of mind and clarity of purpose is something marijuana smokers tend to lack from heavy use. This is not permanent however, most people who quit find that after a few weeks to a few months they start to think more clearly as the THC leaves their system and their brain chemistry rebalances from years of pot smoking that changes how it all works.
  • 4. Motivation - Many marijuana smokers suffer fro a sever lack of motivation which may have to do with the chemistry of marijuana and your body but it may also simply be a mindset of addiction. In any case, quitting pot has been shown to help with energy levels and motivation through being smoke free but also from the journey that revitalizes motivation to be able to quit properly too.
  • 5. Self Worth - Self esteem can hit rock bottom during addiction and can take even more hits when trying to hit because not everyone quits first time with ease and may stumble along the way. However those that make it through to the end find their opinions of themselves hit a record high from their accomplishment of overcoming addiction and then adding all the other benefits of giving up marijuana on top of that it can provide a new start to many peoples lives!

So if you are struggling with a marijuana addiction and these sound like the sorts of things you want to experience then click below to find out how you can kick your addiction and live life to the fullest again!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Are All Addictions The Same?

A question that has been asked by many people and I have been considering of late is are all addictions the same and if so do they all have common treatment methods?

I am a little divided in my own mind on the subject because there are a lot of similarity between any sort of addictions leading to a view that there may be a lot of very common elements that can be treated in the same way.

There are also many differences though in circumstance and in the case of drug addiction the dependence caused by addictive chemicals.

To me this means that logically we can treat the parallel issues in a similar way which primarily deals with the psychological addiction to a drug or behavior. Through introspection of the root causes of what makes people succumb to this type of compulsive behavior we can bring to light the reasons underneath the excuses and perceived need of this addiction.

From there things may vary but motivation for a better life beyond the addiction is still common but how you apply this motivation to be relevant to each type of addiction is where we start to vary in approach.

So are all addictions the same? I cannot say yes but there are enough links between every sort of addiction to be able to tie them together under a single banner so that we may learn about one addiction from others as well.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Beating Pornography Addiction - A No-Nonsense Approach

If you are serious about beating pornography addiction then there are a few immediate things you need to do to be able to overcome it once and for all.

Firstly before you can do anything about the core problem that pornography and sex addiction comes from you need to remove the temptation from your life and this involves putting blockages to pornographic material in the place where most people get their fix: the computer.

  • Delete all pornographic material from your computer, all movies, images and so forth.
  • Delete any links to porn sites from your computer, clear out your cookies, delete any passwords you have and delete your internet cache to be sure nothing remains.
  • If you are involved with chat rooms and online sex make sure to block anyone who might tempt you and delete all non essential programs.
  • Get a adult site blocker, there are plenty on the internet that will restrict access to any pornographic type site so if you do accidentally go to a site that might tempt you it will not show.
  • If you have some support with this get THEM to install the site blocker so you do not even know how to override the system making it even harder to access pornographic material online.

If you are intent on beating pornography addiction do these things NOW … not tomorrow, not next week NO delays do it now!

Done? Right now you can move on to the next steps which can actually get you results and change the way you think about pornography, sex, intimacy and yourself which are all things that become skewed and misrepresented by an addiction to pornography.

The only real way to beat your addiction for a long term solution is to understand why you keep going back again and again and this does not mean simple answers like it feels good because being an orgasm addict is too simple a reason. Beating pornography addiction comes from understanding the problems in your life that drive you to view pornography on such a scale you class yourself as an addict which means it is having serious negative repercussions in your life.

To get to the bottom of this psychological addiction to pornography click below to find more information written by experts with solutions for addicts and people dealing with a loved ones addiction too.