Friday, November 28, 2008

Help For Pornography Addiction - What Options Are There?

Help for pornography addiction is not as easy to find as help for other addictions and is often harder to decide if you should get help because of its sensitive nature. Addictions to drugs and well known behavioral addictions like gambling and alcoholism while embarrassing and terrible have a sense of acceptance in the community thanks to wide media coverage and public awareness campaigns which is a good thing. However pornography addiction and sex addiction often is still a taboo subject as our sensibilities towards sex in general hampers our progress on this front.

So what can you do to get help for pornography addiction if you know you have a problem?

There are options thankfully but each has their pros and cons and often the availability is the biggest issue of them all.

Meeting Formats
Alcoholics anonymous is famous for their meetings and 12 step programs which have helped many people by giving them a social outlet and a plan to follow which is all some people need. However the downside is that such meetings for pornography addictions are often very hard to be involved in if you wish the be truly anonymous and are not comfortable in a social situation talking about pornography, sex and masturbation.

While some people crave therapy and having a personal individual outlet for their feelings and emotions about their addiction to porn therapy is very expensive and often very long term. If you recognize that your addiction perhaps comes from a deeper issue you feel you need help with then this may be a good course of action however.

Self Help
Stop self abuse with self help! Any addiction can be cured with the right advice, The correct understanding of why you are addicted, the right course of action and of course a huge amount of willpower! Help for pornography addiction can be done by yourself without you having to announce it to the world but for this you need to stand up and take charge of the situation and having the right information is the key to this as knowledge is power.

Click here for mroe self help informatio to help you overcome your pornography addiction or seek help if a loved one is addicted and you do not know what to do:

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Advice on How to Quit Marijuana: Avoiding Roadblocks - Part Two

In part one we discussed how problems in our life can present what may seem like barriers that we cannot overcome and force many people to turn around and give up on their attempt to quit smoking pot. This advice on how to quit marijuana will continue on with some common and not so common examples of how former pot smokers have handled these situations.

Social obstacles
Many marijuana addicts are social smokers as well as on their own and many have a culture that is based around smoking pot and all their friends do and often their families too. Recently I heard of a girl who was stressed out because all of her close friends smoked pot but she really wanted to stop and felt that if she revealed this to her friends there would be social consequences. This may have been understandable but the stress and anxiety over losing her friends nearly broke her resolve until she was advised to look at the issue a little closer and found that the problem in her mind had become a lot bigger than it really was. By simply talking to her friends about how she felt it was best for her without judging her friends she found that most actually supported her and some decided to join her in her efforts! This was a classic example of a speed hump where the obstacle only seemed impassable and became smaller only when she had the courage to go over it.

Family Obstacle
Sometimes a social problem is not as easy to overcome however as another common problem is when your family all smoke and you cannot move out, and even worse they do NOT support your efforts to quit. A lack of freedom and space can make if very hard and if you can not change those around you and receive no support the stress can be very high and drive you back to smoking as it can be too hard not too. This is more a of a road block as you are caught between a rock and a hard place and it feels like there is no solution. In these times you have to be a little more creative and find a new way, the individual in question here fond a way forward by realizing that the roadblock that was his living conditions and addicted family was the only reason he kept smoking, not only this but a fairly abusive relationship with his father was sapping his will and all this stress and anxiety simply meant it was easier to smoke and fall into line even though he knew it was destroying his chances at a better life. The solution … to move out despite the horrendous difficulties this posed. It was a new path, a rocky path but it was this or return to the same problem. I head from this guy a few months later and now that he had quit smoking he had moved into a clean share house and while money was tight the benefits of being free was worth the hardship. This may not be possible for everyone but it shows how a rougher path can sometimes be the only way forward if you identify the crucial base problems for your continuing dependence on smoking weed.

Masking Problems
Another reason some people continue to smoke weed is that it is a way to mask another problem such as depression, anxiety or even rage and psychosis. Some feel that the effects of marijuana help them cope with these conditions but know that they need to quit, and then fall back to smoking because they feel they cannot handle whatever other problems they have. With this in mind the roadblock is the other condition they suffer from that stops them moving forward but the problem most face is that they think this other problem is unsolvable and often use it as an excuse to continue smoking because masking their problems is easier than fixing them. The answer? Treating the underlying problem of course! If this means going to therapy or buying medication designed to specifically deal with brain chemical imbalances then so be it but only by removing this roadblock will you ever move forward.

In the end all of these problems are about analysis, honesty and a motivation to do things other than just stopping smoking which is sometimes the easiest bit. By finding a path you can follow these stressful difficulties can be avoided and overcome making the road to find out how to quit marijuana that much easier, better and lasting too!

For more advice from someone who has been there and done that and knows the real reasons why people find it hard to quit click below to find out more.

See part one here

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Advice On How To Quit Marijuana: Avoiding Roadblocks - Part One

How to quit marijuana can seem to some people to be a very simple question and to others an incredibly complex one. Some may think this difference of opinion simply comes from peoples varying levels of commitment to their attempts to stop smoking pot and this is somewhat correct but the circumstances people are in have some of the greatest effects on people chances of kicking their weed addiction and many of the problems I like to call roadblocks.

A roadblock is something we think we cannot pass, an insurmountable obstacle set before us that stops our attempts to move forward and appear to a marijuana user trying to quit to be a point they cannot go past so they simply turn around and head back on down the same path because that roadblock is not going anywhere. Some examples I have seen include:

  • Becoming extremely stressed when ceasing to smoke weed
  • Panic attacks
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Nightmares
  • Lack of support from friends and family
  • Social ostracism
  • … and many more!

These roadblocks I like to think fall into two categories and need different approaches.

Speed humps
A speed hump does not stop you going forward they simply slow you down, they are rough and sometimes fro a distance they look like you can’t get over them until you get closer and attempt it and realize they are not so bad! The only way to determine this is to look at the situation up close and work out can you just push on through it and it was fear of failure holding you back from giving up smoking weed not any real danger.

A real barrier is something that you cannot get past, or if you do try you end up wrecking yourself or something else (or someone else). Often sever issues of mental health or extreme social issues can become real problems when you are trying to work out how to quit marijuana and it looks like the end. Obviously you cannot just power on here but there are other things you can do. Following the roads analogy I might be laboring a little bit we might see our path to quitting marijuana as a straight line with speed humps and sometimes a barrier ending our journey, but what if there was another path? What if we could go around that barrier or remove that barrier in a different way that just trying to drive on over it? The real secret to avoiding roadblocks is to not tackle them head on if you are going to lose but instead try to find a different path, think of new ways and approaches to the problem or sometimes realize that this roadblock might have to be removed by getting our of the metaphorical car and solving this issue first.

In part 2 on how to quite smoking marijuana: avoiding roadblocks I will get a few examples I have seen for a better understanding.

Advice on How to Quit Marijuana: Avoiding Roadblocks - Part Two

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Help Me Quit Weed! - What Help To Seek & How To Help Yourself

Help! The word everyone has cried at some point in their lives and a word that is often underestimated, misunderstood and sadly often ignored. ‘Help me quit weed’ is not just something people say looking for a few tips and hints like it was some do it yourself project with some nails and a hammer. When we include help in anything we do it is a way to reach out and say to the world I am in trouble, I am floundering, I cannot do it on my own.

If this is how you feel do not be ashamed nor embarrassed because as has been said everyone cries out for help and if we did not we would never learn important skills and lessons. If you want to quit smoking pot the experience of others is very important to seek to better your knowledge and to maybe gain some support in your time of need. It also signifies that you realize you have an addiction strong enough that you feel your current motivation and willpower cannot overcome for a wide variety of reasons.

So where can you find help? An importantly … who should you ask?

The real trick with finding information, support and understanding is that sometimes these things should not all be found in the same place. An expert on drug use who has not used drugs can tell you many things that are important to know and will help you but will they give he same insight an ex-pothead might be able to give? Also people who quit smoking weed give the kind of support you need that might need a deeper bond? The answers vary wildly based on what you need and when you need it but a good guide is to be informed from multiple points of view and to find support in those who have empathy and understanding.

In the end however you must take the advice to your cry of ‘help me quit weed’ from others and apply that to yourself because no one can hold your hand forever and seeking help is the first step to helping your self not only in quitting marijuana but also in life beyond cannabis and into the future because in the end YOU must do the hard yards, but if you have knowledge and support behind you it makes it that much easier.

So if you are looking for help to quit smoking weed click below to find more information and support to help you get through this tough period.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Overcoming Weed Addiction - Does It Have To Be Difficult?

Overcoming weed addiction is often considered a difficult process and when you start out the road ahead may look like a journey filled with pain and problems that may turn you back to marijuana and back to your old way of life until it once more becomes unbearable and the cycle starts again. But does it have to be difficult? Is it as hard as we think when we set upon that path or are we sabotaging our own efforts by imagining the worst and making a self fulfilling prophecy with doubt and imagined difficulties?

The answer in many cases is NO, it does not need to be hard because overcoming weed addiction is mostly in your own mind!

This is not to diminish or belittle the challenges you might face and some people have some very bad situations to be quitting pot in but all the same it is the attitude you take into the process that will make things go smoothly or not. To be able to get an attitude of confidence and positivity in these situations is the key to turning any difficult situation into solvable problem and turn mountains into molehills in your perception of them. This may not seem possible but it is all in the preparation of your next few weeks trying to quit that counts, if you pack your mind with the right tools and information you will have all you need to tackle the issues and more importantly you will have the confidence to combat them making the process doubly less difficult!

To do this though you need a few things that only you can provide yourself.

  • An honest assessment of your situation
  • An honest assessment of why you are addicted
  • An understanding of how marijuana addiction works
  • A clear and defined goal to reach
  • A clear understanding of the benefits of quitting
  • A commitment to reach that goal and gain those benefits

So if you are ready to quit smoking pot and are looking for a foolproof way to overcome your weed addiction visit to find out how thousands of others have kicked the habit and now live happier healthier lives.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Internet addiction made an official disorder in China

China could become the first country to classify internet addiction as a clinical disorder and plans to lead the world by registering the condition with the World Health Organisation.

Beijing’s Health Ministry is expected to adopt a new manual on internet addiction next year, based on the research of Chinese psychologists. It will recognise the condition as similar to compulsive gambling or alcoholism.

“China finds itself at the forefront of this research because we were among the earliest to set up clinics . . . we had a sufficient sample of patients so that we could carry out proper scientific analysis,” Tao Ran, who set up China’s first internet addiction clinic at the Military General Hospital in Beijing, told The Times.

He said that he had reached his conclusion by studying more than 3,000 people over four years.

Read The Rest Here:


For more information about addiction visit the site at

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Online Pornography Addiction Statistics - 6 Finding That Make You Think

If you have ever wondered as to the extent of the online pornography industry then here is an eye opener from

6 of these statistics that related to addiction or possible addiction drew my attention.

12% of the internet is devoted to pornography
When you consider how much pornography is available from other sources this is an enormous number fueled by ease of use, ease of access for minors and anonymity that can draw people in and make it seem normal when it is usually hidden.

25% of total search engine requests are for pornographic requests
This number seems excessively high and stats are not always perfect but to even come close to that is amazing, 1 in 4 things typed into a search engine have words like porn, xxx and so on in them!

The average age of first Internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old
Young and impressionable minds can find this stuff which does not bode well. Habits that form young are much more likely to become hard core addictions later in life and are harder to get rid of.

10% of adults admit to Internet sexual addictions
That is just the people who admit to it, imagine the real number and growing …

Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites - 72% male - 28% female
While typically considered a men’s problem it is interesting to see that women in large numbers are also active in online pornography and may have a harder time with it because it is considered a male problem too I bet.

Women struggling with pornography addiction - 17%
Larger than the average it would seem.

While many of these statistics might not be entirely accurate it does paint a picture of increasing trends among men and women to become addicted to online pornography. It would be interested in seeing statistics on how many people seek help for pornography addiction too …

Thursday, November 6, 2008

10 Signs You Have A Pot Addiction

There are many signs you have a pot addiction whether it be warnings while you are smoking or perhaps things that have happened when you have tried to quit. Some people freely admit they are or were addicted while others struggle with the concept of being addicted to a drug that has no physical dependency issues like cigarettes or heroin but is instead a psychological addiction making it harder to recognize from your own view point. Some things you may want to look for in yourself or in others who might be addicted to marijuana are as follows:

Have tried to quit smoking pot and failed
Quitting any habit can be hard but those that may be addicted to a behavior or substance (or both) often realize that this is harmful to their life and have tried to stop smoking weed and have failed even though they may know it is for the best.

Lack of motivation
While many might just confuse this with a lack of direction many habitual marijuana smokers report having a sever lack of motivation to do anything that can be very harmful on relationships, work and more. This is usually found in long term users and may be linked to brain chemical changes over time that regulate mood.

Depression is a strange thing and some people can feel depressed when smoking weed or they become depressed after stopping their marijuana habit. Depression has also been linked to brain chemistry but also to environment as a result as well, this means there could be a mix of drug abuse and problems and issues that could cause this which often leads people to smoke more to get away from it. If smoking weed or quitting weed causes fluctuations in depressive symptoms something is wrong and could be linked to an addiction.

Much like depression anxiety and panic attacks can be found during or when stopping pot smoking. If you are trying to quit and suffer panic attacks or general anxiety this could be considered a sign of addiction if it drives you back to smoking.

As marijuana plays with your brain and alters your mood regulators some people find anger and rage an issue which drives them to smoke more which is a short term solutions to their anger problems which might be linked to marijuana or a separate issue that is covered up by excessive use making them addicted to the substance.

Relationship problems
Not only romantic relationships but friendships, family bonds and so forth. If you find yourself having difficulty interacting with anyone who is not a pothead or you feel you are drifting further away from your loved ones due to marijuana but feel powerless to stop it you may have found more signs you have a pot addiction.

Shifting Priorities
Do you find yourself spending money on pot when you should be spending it on rent, food, tuition, health or anything else that is of prime importance to yourself? When smoking marijuana becomes something you sacrifice to do it is considered an addiction.

Any Excuse
Do you find you are making excuses to smoke more weed? Putting off invitations, skipping school or work or lying so you have more time to get high?

Do you find yourself becoming aggressive when people confront you about smoking pot when they are not trying to condemn you but are trying to help?

Do you feel that you do not just want pot and want to get high but you feel you NEED to smoke and without it your life will be worse, have no meaning or be too hard to deal with? Signs you have a pot addiction like this are the core part of a psychological addiction.

Visit for more about quiting marijuana

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

5 Steps To Quit Smoking Pot – The Beginning

To quit smoking marijuana you need a plan of action, a way forward and a reason and motivation stronger than your cravings to get through it. Many people who try to quit however do so in a haphazard way thinking that it will either be easy and having no plan except to stop or perhaps they know it is going to be hard and their plan of action is hampered by fear and a lack of understanding of the driving forces of their addiction. Steps to quit smoking pot at the very beginning are a vital thing to lay the groundwork for a successful break from smoking marijuana but do need to be modified for circumstance. Here are 5 steps you can take immediately to get you started!

1. Remove Temptation to Smoke Marijuana
There is a certain amount of intellectual dishonesty that many addicts entertain when they resolve to quit smoking weed that is a major indicator of not really committing and allowing a relapse and that is often to do with not removing the temptation to smoke completely. If you really want to quit do not leave anything to do with smoking pot around the house for instance. Get rid of all your stash, all your bongs and smoking paraphernalia as well as lighters or any ’stoner’ culture stuff like posters and so on. Purge it from your life to remove longing and triggers for cravings. If you let it become EASY to take it back up again you are actually leaving the door to relapse wide open often out of fear of change and fear you cannot handle life without it.

2. Start a Quitting Marijuana Diary

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Quitting Marijuana - Dreams, Memory & Symbolism

Many people who start on the path to quitting marijuana experience strange and vivid dreams. Some say they are just very weird and nonsensical and other describe them as nightmares but the common element that many who experience such dreaming soon after they have stopped smoking pot is the clarity and vividity of such dreams which has surprised and often scared them.

I was thinking on this and wondering if it has to do with marijuana and it’s effect on memory. Many studies have shown that excessive usage of marijuana can lead tom short term memory loss and over a longer period long term memory loss as well as absent mindedness and a general lack of clarity.

How this links to memory is that I was reading up on how they believe that dreams are a way for the mind to sort out your memories when you are asleep leading to better cognitive functions and better clarity of memory.

Read The Full Article Here ...

How To Overcome Addiction To Pornography

With access to pornography so incredibly easy due to the nature of the internet the number of people viewing online pornography has skyrocketed and its loss of taboo status to almost be a norm for many people has led to a sharp increase in people who have become mired in the world of smut. How to overcome pornography addiction has become a major topic because of the enormous numbers of people who have realized that it has gone beyond cheap thrills and occasional titillation and has started to control their life.

One of the biggest problems we start with when looking to break free of an addiction like this is the social stigma associated with it, many people would laugh if you admitted to having an addiction to porn that was inhibiting your life where if you admitted that you had an addiction to alcohol or a drug people would be more sympathetic. This compounded with the high number of people who have become addicted to the world of porn because of low self esteem means it can be a real uphill battle that many face on their own without any help.

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